24/7 Prayer with Worship Since 1999




Spirit of the Tabernacle of David

Central to the programs, activities, and outreach of the International House of Prayer is our 24/7 prayer room, which is open to the public around the clock, day and night. The prayer room is designed to reflect the tabernacle of David (1 Chr. 9:33; 22–24); it is a place where we never cease worshiping the Lord and interceding for our world. Each twenty-four-hour period is made up of twelve, two-hour prayer sessions, each led by a full worship team.

Worship and Prayer

Our prayer format is based on the heavenly picture that we see in Revelation 5, which speaks of the harp and the bowl—worship and prayer. Within the harp and bowl-prayer model, we use two basic worship and prayer formats. Each twenty-four-hour period is divided into six two-hour intercession sessions (or sets, as we call them) and six two-hour worship with the Word sessions, which are more devotional in nature.

You belong here.
Walk out your calling to burn in passion for Jesus and partner with the Lord as a messenger of the gospel of the kingdom. Join a community of believers who seek to hear His voice and proclaim His message.
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Intercession sessions are usually energetic, as the room is invited to engage in corporate prayer. There is generally a specific prayer focus, and individuals in the room are welcome to pray on the microphone for a corporate burden, which may involve the Kansas City region or believers worldwide.

Intercession sessions are daily at 12am (midnight), 4am, 6am, 10am, 4pm, and 8pm.


Worship with the Word

Worship with the Word sessions are a prayer format in which we agree with God’s heart as we sing the biblical truths of who God is and what His promises are.

Worship with the Word sessions are daily at 2am, 8am, 12pm (noon), 2pm, 6pm, and 10pm.

Frequently Asked Questions