Help to Sustain 24/7 Prayer with Worship
Why Partner with Us

When you give to the International House of Prayer, you strengthen the night-and-day prayer movement; you propel the gospel going forth to every nation, tribe, and tongue: and you help raise up wholehearted lovers of Jesus to proclaim His beauty and prepare the earth for His return. That's why we see your gift as more than a donation—it is an investment and a partnership in ministry.


Legacy Planning

Have you considered your legacy? There are many ways to make an impact gift to IHOPKC, and many of our partners find it meaningful to include IHOPKC in their estate plans.

If you have any questions about how to carefully plan a legacy gift, please click here for more info.


Does all of my donation support the IHOPKC missions base?
Yes, 100% of your donation is used to support the religious and charitable mission of the International House of Prayer. Your donation may be used to fill any of the various needs around the IHOPKC missions base, including but not limited to funding the operation of the prayer room and its webstream; or supporting the facilities and administration of our entire missions base.

Are IHOPKC worship leaders, singers, musicians, and intercessors supported with my donation?

Like most missionaries, our worship leaders, singers, musicians, intercessors, and support staff build their own partnership teams to stand with them financially and in prayer.


How do staff members support themselves financially?

Like most missionaries, our staff build their own ministry partnership teams to stand with them both financially and in prayer. To do this, they communicate with their home church, family and friends, and other churches and individuals they meet through networking. As they cast vision and share the opportunity of partnership, the Lord raises up a team who cover their living and ministry expenses. 


What is Pushpay and why are you using it?

Pushpay is the giving platform that we use to process donations. It makes online giving super easy. Plus it allows you to access your giving history and make changes when you set up an account. Here are some of the ways you benefit from Pushpay:

  • You can easily access and make changes to your giving.
  • You can text to make a donation. Simply text “IHOPKC” to (833) 614-5940 and follow the prompts.
  • You can select specific ministry funds to invest in.
  • You no longer have to enter your information each time you give.
  • Your information is safe and secure!
  • You can download the Pushpay app to easily give and access your account from your smartphone.


Can I change the date of my recurring gift?

Yes. To change the date of your recurring gift to IHOPKC, please log into your Pushpay giving account here or contact the Partner Care Team.


Will I receive a receipt for my donation(s)?

Yes, for donations given online, receipts are emailed as soon as the donation processes, regardless of the donation method (online, by mail, or by phone). Please contact the Partner Care Team for all donation inquiries.

Contact the Partner Care Team

Please contact us with any questions or comments related to partnership with the International House of Prayer by contacting us at the information below. We love to hear from you and will respond as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can email or call us using the information below.

Phone: (816) 763-0200 x.2529
Hours: Monday–Thursday, 10am–4pm; Friday, 10am–2pm (CT)
Address: 3535 E. Red Bridge Road, Kansas City, MO 64137


The International House of Prayer exists to
magnify the worth of Jesus Christ and
prepare the earth for His return!



Prayer and Worship Are of the Utmost Importance to God.

Revelation 4 shows us that the prayers of the saints and worship never cease around God's throne. God has chosen that the prayers of His people will bring forth God's justice to the nations (Lk. 18:7) and hasten the day of Jesus' return to the earth (Rev. 8:4).



In 1999, a small group of people
in South Kansas City started a prayer meeting

with the goal of bringing the realities of Heaven to earth and recognizing the importance of intercession in God's plans. This prayer and worship session has been ongoing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ever since.

The International House of Prayer has a team of full and part-time intercessors, singers, and musicians. They dedicate themselves to declaring the beauty and worth of Jesus and praying for the nations of the earth around the clock. The impact of their prayer and worship extends far beyond Kansas City, as it is
broadcast live to every nation in the world.




“This place is so peaceful! It is such a blessing to be able to have a go to spiritual restoration spot anytime of the week. It is an incredible spot to do devotions, worship and pray and be with other believers growing their relationship with God.”



“IHOPKC will always have a very special place in my heart. It was this place where I was introduced to the beauty of our Lord in a way that marked me forever, . . . and it was here that I met my husband.”



“The ministry of IHOPKC has profoundly changed, for good, my relationship with Jesus. I was set free from depression during a school at IHOPKC in 2008 for which I am forever grateful to King Jesus!”



“I didn't know what to expect when I walked in those doors as it was my first time. I felt nothing but complete peace & healing. I was blown away at how much you could feel a strong presence in the room. I had tears that just kept coming but they were healing tears.”



“The anointing and sweet presence of the Holy Spirit rests here. The worship is straight from the throne room of Heaven and ALWAYS ministers personally to my heart! The prayer and intercession is always on point and the prophetic ministry is a blessing.”


“Ugh! It's so good to be here!! I did not expect to see what I saw when I went. There was so much power, encouragement, and family there! I received so much and can't wait to be back for more. Truly such a blessing!”



Will you partner with us today with a gift to help advance
24/7 prayer and the Great Commission until the Lord returns?



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